August 15, 2015 was the day when the frosh night was held. My blockmates and I came to school 8 hours early. Not because we were excited for the night but it is because of the conference that was held in the APC auditorium. Honestly, we were not excited for the the frosh night because we thought that it will be just as boring as the IT night. No offense but the IT night was really boring. But we were proved wrong. FROSH NIGHT WAS FUN. The cafeteria, which was the venue of the party, was filled with noises and music resulting for the it to be SO hot. All of us, literally, were all sticky and sweaty. But we still enjoyed the party.
During the party, my friend, Zian, and I hit the dance floor. And by hit, I mean literally hit. We both slipped and fell down the floor. When that happened, people, being high, didn't notice that they were already stomping on us. And because I am so lucky (I'm being sarcastic, hear me), my shoe also slipped off my foot IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE FLOOR. Determined to get my shoe, I crawled into the crowd trying to find it. Fortunately, I found it in just a short time.

When we were about to go home, a friend of my friend gave me something. He didn't say who gave it tho. It was unexpected but I was thankful lol. When I finally reached home, I slept and then the next day, my body felt so beaten. I was so tired but I still went to school to practice for our speech choir. What a tiring yet unforgettable night!
All I can say this is the best party night ever!