Hey, you there. Are you feeling down or dont know what to do anymore and laziness sucks you up? Have ever gotten that feeling wherein you just dont want to move because your energy is draining? It's very depressing right? Waking up everyday seeking for something or someone who could inspire you but then again not a single soul could help you? Don't you realize that it is you who need to help yourself, it is you who could do the encouragement for you as well as for others. A shower of positive vibes is all you need. Here are the things i want to share for these are things I do. First and foremost, Always think positive. If you have a positive mind all you see is the beauty and greatness of life. You'll end up appreciating things around you. Stop ranting about everything, it will do nothing. If you want something or you need to finish a thing do it right a way, do the 2-minute magic rule! Your goal here is that after 2 minutes you should've done this or that. Keep in mind that if they can do it, you can also do it and if you put a lot of effort, you can achieve great things.
You are a gift that was sent here for humanity. You are an important being here so you should prove to yourself that you are worth a life. This is your only chance! grab and embrace it. Don't let it go to waste. Don't let the naysayers affect you. Let them be influenced by you. Be inspired by the people around you. If they are doing good let them be your model. If what they are doing is good for nothing, be motivated that you can help them see what they're doing is not right and make them feel that someone is there that will understand and help them.

You have duties to fulfill, missions that only you can solve. Don't feel useless as if you are a burden to everybody around you. Always remember that what you think of yourself affects the view of others to you. Someone will always be there admiring you. So don't let that person feel the numbness knowing that his/her inspiration had already given up. If you feel motivated now, return the favor and be the one who will encourage others. A great feeling will come unto you.
Picture yourself as a person you want to be in the next minute. Now, do what has to be done to be that. Work hard and don't waste your time. There is no going back. Your future depends on what you are going to do today. Gather all your strength, take hold of your dreams, say that you can do it, let yourself fly up the sky and scream to the world: I FEEL MOTIVATED!
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