1. Zian Denisse Vertudes- Food is better than love
2. Patricia Pangilinan- High School
3. Shaun Matthew Ibanez- My phone Sucks
4. Luigi Urquia- Frosh Night
5. Emmanuel De Vera- What is the real basis of liking someone you know? Or dyour dislike for someone you know?
6. Krisper Bariuan- Best Friends
7. Shella Mae Gutierrez- College Life
8. Lurenne Tangi- Alone
9. Daniel Llanillo- Math Sucks
10. Aaron Tompong- I Will Be a Successful Man
11. Miguel Matawaran- I'm Their Greatest Fan
12. Kenard Pascua- Geographical Timelines
13. Leonardo Salvador- Everyday Problems
14. Mary Hazel Comie- The Promise
15. Benedict Agno- Money Of My Own
Monday, August 24, 2015
Sunday, August 23, 2015
15- Perks Of Being Short

Now that you, people, already know some perks about being short, you wouldn't have to pity us anymore! JUST DON'T EVER PAT OUR HEADS LIKE A DOG. I SWEAR I'M GOING TO CUT YOUR LOVELY ARMS IF YOU DID THAT TO ME. Lol just kidding. I just wanted to let you all know that being short is not that bad. It is actually amazing.
14- Unsuccessful Examiner

This year will be the last year of my
high school life. In this particular milestone of my life, I experienced many
circumstances; hindrances which sometimes made me hesitate to continue my
journey to the future. Picking a good university for college is a dilemma for
us. I, as a graduating student always prioritize what college university I
should enter. I’ve always dreamt of entering
the best universities her in the Philippines. One of my choices is the University
of the Philippines. The chances of passing
in this University is small, but I do
not keep words such as “impossible” in my dictionary. With this in my mind, I
bravely took this college entrance exam.
Now, the small chances of passing
this exam have already faded as the results came out. It hurts that I didn’t
pass. I know it is very difficult to predict the outcome of these examinations but
still chances and expectations constantly run in my veins. I mostly feared
academic examinations, because they often bring predictable and unpredictable results.
Sometimes it brings out the best, but most of the time failure. The worst
things happen, and as a student, failing this exam devastates me the most.
I know that expecting too much can
lead to so much disappointment. One way I did to cope with this examination
failure is to talk to people. I regularly talk to my family and friends,
discussing the options that I must take for my future. There are still times
when this thought of not passing the entrance examination suddenly pops into my
mind and that I must give-up my dreams.
Failing is sad but beginning a new
chapter of your life is great. I vowed this to myself; If I can imagine it, I
can achieve it and If I can dream it, I will become it.
13- Thank You!

Since we, people, have different nationalities, it became very hard for us to understand each other's languages. That is why i made this blog to tell each and everyone of us how to say thank you in 9 different languages.

First, we all know this since most of us are filipinos, in tagalog thank you means " Salamat". In spanish we say, "Gracias". In french we say, "Merci". In Italian we say, "Grazie". Next, I know that all anime and kpop lovers will remember these words. In Japanese we say, "Arigato" and in Korean we say "Kamsahamnida". Getting confused already? Don't be! There's 3 more! In Greek we say, "Efharisto". In russian we say, " Spasiba" and last but not the least, in hawaiian, thank you means "Mahalo".
We say thank you for special favors, thank you for gifts and thank you for assistance in times of need. But those are not the only things where thank you matters. We must also say thank you for someone who holds the door for us, someone who passes our fairs in the jeepney and to every person who does any good deeds to us.
Thank you. It is a phrase that is pretty much significant. But it's never unwelcome and it can mean so much.
12- To love or to be loved

But first, what is love? Love refers to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. It can also be a virtue representing a human affection. I honestly got that definition in the Wikipedia since nobody can really tell the exact meaning of the word.
From the very first day my brain started working, I noticed that many people are facing a lot of problems in terms of love. And according to my observation, the most common problem is for example, "She loves him but he doesn't love her back". Heartbreaking isn't it? That problem actually made me question myself. Which do I prefer, to love or to be loved?

While in the side of the "To be loved", having someone to love you is a great thing. It increases your confidence because you that someone was able to love you despite of who you are. It may be awesome BUT what if you don't love that person back? Either you want it or not, you are just going to break that persons heart. And I bet nobody wants to do that to someone, right?
That is the reason why i chose the side of "To love". Because in loving someone, it is only your own heart that is at risk of getting hurt. No other hearts harmed. Just your own. For me, getting hurt is better than hurting someone. I also think that it is okay to love someone who doesn't love you back as long as they are worth loving.
Monday, August 17, 2015
11- Frosh Night!

August 15, 2015 was the day when the frosh night was held. My blockmates and I came to school 8 hours early. Not because we were excited for the night but it is because of the conference that was held in the APC auditorium. Honestly, we were not excited for the the frosh night because we thought that it will be just as boring as the IT night. No offense but the IT night was really boring. But we were proved wrong. FROSH NIGHT WAS FUN. The cafeteria, which was the venue of the party, was filled with noises and music resulting for the it to be SO hot. All of us, literally, were all sticky and sweaty. But we still enjoyed the party.
During the party, my friend, Zian, and I hit the dance floor. And by hit, I mean literally hit. We both slipped and fell down the floor. When that happened, people, being high, didn't notice that they were already stomping on us. And because I am so lucky (I'm being sarcastic, hear me), my shoe also slipped off my foot IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DANCE FLOOR. Determined to get my shoe, I crawled into the crowd trying to find it. Fortunately, I found it in just a short time.

When we were about to go home, a friend of my friend gave me something. He didn't say who gave it tho. It was unexpected but I was thankful lol. When I finally reached home, I slept and then the next day, my body felt so beaten. I was so tired but I still went to school to practice for our speech choir. What a tiring yet unforgettable night!
10- Stop Smoking!
"Do you smoke?". That was a question asked by my doctor when she was doing my check up. That question made me think of my lung health. Cigarette smoking is one of the major cause of preventable diseases and death all over the world. Most smokers commonly die due to a lung malfunction. It made me worried about my schoolmates that I always see smoking outside the school everyday.

I was really relieved when Asia Pacific College started a campaign that is against smoking. It gave me hope that sooner or later, I won't see anymore students that smoke cigarette outside the school. Students must be prohibited to smoke near the school or better, students must STOP smoking since smoking is really bad for the health.
I went to google and search for some effects of smoking in our bodies to warn my fellow students about it. And I found out that even the non-smokers can be affected by smoking. Actually, the effect on the non-smokers are worse than the effects on the smokers. Just like Jam Sebastian, a youtuber, suffered from lung cancer and died. He was a non-smoker but still, he was affected by cigarette smoking. It really causes innocents to suffer.
Smoking not only causes health issues but also pollutes and degrades our beloved environment. It is really sad because even though smoking has a lot of harmful effects, many people still do it. Their reasons? To relax and to calm their nerves! What kind of reasons are that, really? There are still many ways to relax and to calm your nerves without smoking! PEOPLE OF EARTH, PLEASE HAVE YOUR SENSES!
Do you know that one of every five deaths in the Philippines are caused by smoking? GOSH PEOPLE, WAKE UP! STOP SMOKING! Seriously, when are you smokers going to stop? When you are already suffering from a lung malfunction? This is the reason why I am so ecstatic when APC made that anti-smoking campaign. I really hope that the campaign will really help lessen the smokers not only in the school but also everywhere.
9- "Bayan o sarili?"

We are born as Filipinos. I am a Filipino and I am proud of that. I am very gratified that I was born in this beloved and wonderful country called Philippines. That was the realization that hit me when I attended the conference. It made me aware and informed about being a Filipino.

What I like about the movie is that we can really reflect ourselves with the things that happened back then. It will make us more appreciative about the freedom that we are enjoying now. The movie was indeed meaningful. I can't wait to watch it since it will surely make me- i mean us more aware about our country's freedom.
8- SoCSIT Week

On Thursday morning, Metro Manila Shake Drill happened. It was devastating because we were forced to walk from school all the way to Magallanes while carrying our bags that looks like it was filled with rocks inside. We were all sweaty and tired. Then on the afternoon, my blockmates (Krisper, Shaun, Luigi, Ryan, Zian, Emman and Lurenne) talk for about two hours about a masculine wash called "Topp Cock". After talking about nonsense for two hours, we went to the auditorium to watch the Mr. and Ms. SoCSIT. We didn't finish the program because it was already dark and we needed to go home.

On Friday morning, my volleyball teamates and I trained for the upcoming game that will happen on Saturday. The training didn't last long because I accidentally threw the ball in the roof of Patricia's house.Since the very first day of the SoCSIT week, we were all excited about the upcoming SoCSIT night that will be held that day. My friend, Krisper, and I even planned what we were going to were that day. We even walked from Villamor all the way to APC because of the heavy traffic and we were already two hours late. Then, when we finally arrived in school, we realized that the party was totally boring. No offense but it really was. My friends and I were just sitting in a corner and we were just eating some chips and chocolates. Boring yet fattening lmao.
Then finally on Saturday, most of the girls in our block (including me) played volleyball and the game was totally epic because we were all just staring at the ball. The game was boring, I know but we still won a silver trophy. "Instant trophy" as said by our blockmates. All in all, SoCSIT week was fun. Our block bonded and we became more close because of it. And it was a great thing.
Friday, July 17, 2015
7- Fashion At It's Best!

First things first, what’s your goal in dressing up
yourself? You want to look cheeky, nerdy, or fab? Ofcourse most of us want to
look fabulous whatever we wear. But what pair of clothes would we wear? Here
are some tips based on my own style and experience.
Never look trashy. Even though you wear
recycled clothes, you wear it proudly and fabulously.
Too much is too much. Overly-dressed is
not a good idea of style. People might make fun of you especially if it’s
unordinary outfit and doesn’t match the weather, like wearing sweater in a hot
day of summer. Uhmm… Nahh!

Well, those were tips I got from my inspirations in terms of
fashion: Tyra Banks, Anne Curtis, and Georgina Wilson. Gorgeous ladies, aren’t
they? Though they have flaws in themselves, they never get awkward of what
they’re wearing.
So what are you waiting for? Be proud of your own fashion.
All of you might be wondering why I’m not wearing any of my stylish clothes. ‘Cause
I’m here to tell you that even this uniform, THIS IS FASHION.
Saturday, July 11, 2015
6- Dealing With Something New

5- Basketball!

In the Philippines, basketball is one of the most popular sports game. Some people say, "You're not a Filipino if you haven't watched any basketball game." It is a part of our culture. For us, NBA and PBA are one. But obviously, NBA is the league of the best players.
For some people, it is a waste of time. Watching Basketball game is not just a hobby for us. It is a part of our lives that gives us this different type of happiness, an unexplainable.

We are very excited to tell everybody how one player did such a great move. We always give criticisms about what happened in a game. This is the reason why we meets some new friends. Sometimes, some of us share the same favorite player and we have many stories to tell about that certain player.
Basketball is not only about passing and shooting the ball in an amazing manner. Basketball also gives us determination, thinking skills specially in making decisions off the court and teach us to be sports. It also teaches us the real meaning of team work and cooperation.

It is a physical game. They say that height gives a basketball player an obvious advantage, particularly when you rebound or shoot near the basket. As of now, Wilt Chamberlain, the center of Los Angeles Lakers (1968-1973), is still the top rebounder in NBA having 23, 924 points and a height of 7 ft 1 in. But we also know that small players are more aggressive and they can also succeed if they have the superior jumping ability in areas like 3-point shooting, like Mark Barroca of Pure Foods having a height of 5 ft 10 in. All in all, a real Basketball fan shows their appreciations in different ways.
4- Pens, pens, pens!
All of us need a pen, specially students like me. We use it to take down notes, to answers out written tests, to draw something or to communicate with someone. That explains why, I guess, most of us have even just one pen.

Anyway, i'm not telling you to collect pens, what I want to say is that find something that can inspire you to change for the better. For me, collecting isn't just about the word itself. it is also about the pleasure and helpful outcomes it gives you. I think all of us have this things we do for us to be happy. And for me, this is one of my reasons of having a colorful world.
Friday, July 10, 2015
3- Be Motivated!

You have duties to fulfill, missions that only you can solve. Don't feel useless as if you are a burden to everybody around you. Always remember that what you think of yourself affects the view of others to you. Someone will always be there admiring you. So don't let that person feel the numbness knowing that his/her inspiration had already given up. If you feel motivated now, return the favor and be the one who will encourage others. A great feeling will come unto you.
Picture yourself as a person you want to be in the next minute. Now, do what has to be done to be that. Work hard and don't waste your time. There is no going back. Your future depends on what you are going to do today. Gather all your strength, take hold of your dreams, say that you can do it, let yourself fly up the sky and scream to the world: I FEEL MOTIVATED!
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
2- Being A Potterhead
Reading. A noun. A process of understanding a language by interpreting written symbols for speech sounds. I know you’re starting to get bored just by the mention of the word “reading” but believe me; you won’t be bored if you’re in the Harry Potter Fandom.
The Harry Potter series is written by J.K. Rowling and is about the adventures, love, and friendship of Harry, the boy who lived, and his two best friends in Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardy. Blessings really flooded Rowling after the release of her series. People admired it. Different countries published it. Many companies wanted to but it. Even Michael Jackson tried to buy it and turn it into a musical!
Now, Rowling didn’t just successfully write the best book, she also gave birth to us, the harry potter fandom.
Since it has been published in many coutries, “Potterheads” were scattered. Each has different color, personalities, and of course, different reasons why they love Harry Potter. Some loved it maybe because they wanted to disappear, to travel, to escape, to learn, to meet new people, to shut everything up, or just breathe.

Another thing about the Harry Potter fandom is it has a lot of otps (one true pairings). Nothing is stopping them from shipping it whether it has the same gender, different age, seems to be absurd, or goes against J.K Rowling (i.e. draco and harry).
The Fandom also has different preferences. A variety of people may like the third book rather than the fourth. Some may hate the movies, some may love it. Some may disgust Luna but love Bellatrix. See? The whole fandom is a living rainbow but it has the same backbone: Harry Potter madness.
If you happen to meet a Potterhead, then you’ll know what we’re kind of weird- but in a good way. We cry at the word “always”, laugh at the world “seriously” and feel rage whenever you tell us to move on. During occasions, we want socks as a gift. We also treat each character as a real person. And even when the movies and the books had ended, the whole fandom is still active. Thought it hurts, we never stopped loving harry potter even when Rowling wrote “All was well” as the books’ last words. We keep on creating fanfictions, talking about it in twitter, writing a blog about the books, and hanging out in Pottermore (a website created by J.K Rowling for the potterheads around the world). It was never enough though. We still want more.

As I end, I want to tell you that reading the Harry Potter series was magical. Loving it was real. Knowing the characters was exciting. Realizing that there’s no more sequel was dreadful but all the adventures that we had was worth the time. So if you want to feel these things, have an awesome adventure, or discover new things yourself, I suggest you to stand up, buy the books, find your happy place and read the whole series.
Saturday, June 27, 2015
1- What Actually Happens After I Watch A Horror Movie
Horror Movies. What are those,
really? Horror movies are unsettling films that are designed to scare and
frighten while entertaining and captivating the viewers at the same time. It is
often about ghosts and killers. Darn scary, right?
But still, some people said that they love
watching horror movies because they
enjoy the adrenaline rush of being scared while being safe. Well for me,
watching horror movies can be a challenging thing to do because they freak me
out, leaving me unsettled for days. In fact, I have a hard time sitting
through the scary scenes of “Annabelle”.
I bet most of us do a lot of weird things after watching them since watching such movies will definitely
have damaging impact on people with good imagination. Am I right? So, I am
here to talk about the things that I do after watching a horror movie.

one; I switch on every single light in the house, afraid that maybe someone is
hiding in the darkness waiting for the right time to kill me. I’m always like “Screw
the bills! This is about survival!”. I don’t even care if I’m being paranoid or
what but damn, I’m scared as shit and I don’t want to die yet. Number two; I
avoid looking at dark windows. Why? There might be some scary faces looking in.
Better keep the curtains down or else, they will see me and they will get me! Number
three; I get terrified whenever I am in front of a mirror. Someone might be
behind me or my reflection might have a mind of it’s own and scare the shit out
of me. Most horror movies have scenes where the ghost or the killer will appear
in the mirror. Number four; My hearing sense doubles. I can hear every single
noise in the house even the faintest sounds(this is the main reason why I
become so paranoid). Number five; I become paranoid specially while taking a
bath. I always try my best not to close my eyes in the shower, terrified that
if I close my eyes, the ghost will appear in front of me and get me. In those
times, I always think “How will I suppose to run while I’m naked?!”. During those cases, I always put the towel
beside me and I don’t even care if it will become wet. Number six; I inspect
every corner of the house, hoping that the ghost is not there to haunt you. I
better make sure that before I go to bed, I know that I’m safe from any psychopath
killers or ghosts. Number seven; The blanket becomes my safe haven. Whenever
I’m about to sleep, I always make sure that all parts of my body are under the
blanket, thinking that if they are not covered, the ghost will grab it and drag
me. And last but not the least, number eight; I don’t let myself be alone most
the times. I always ask for assistance whenever I’m about to go anywhere even
in the bathroom!
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